Thursday, June 23, 2011

Today is the BEST DAY EVER!!!

Well, I have never blogged in my life before, but there is always a time and a place to try new things!  As you can see by my title, "Today is the BEST DAY EVER!!!", there is no time like the present to start this blog. 

As an introduction, this blog is going to be mostly about my Nike Team in Training Marathon that I am running on October 16, 2011.  I officially decided that I would do this about 4 weeks ago.  I did a half marathon about 3 years ago, and remember when I finished thinking, "It would be crazy to do double this amount of running!!"  That being said, enough time has passed, and the "crazy" in me is saying time to try for the FULL marathon...26.2 miles...

Funnily enough, so far, the running has not been the scariest part.  For those of you who have not gotten my letters, I am not running just for the sake of putting foot on pavement.  I'm actually running for a cause.  And an AMAZING cause at that.  I am running in support of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society which raises money and awareness towards beating this horrible thing called cancer.  To be able to race in this marathon, I first have to raise a minimum of $3200!!!  That's the minimum!  However, my goal is $4500!  This has been the scariest part for me so far.  I mean, that's a lot of money!!!

That being said, I want to share why today is the BEST DAY EVER!  I just had lunch with a friend who did Team in Training last year.  I spent the majority of lunch asking her creative ways to help raise the funds for TNT.  I have to admit, I'm starting to stress a little...  And then, I get back to my office, all motivated to start putting together some of those ideas and I go to my little TNT website and VOILA!  Someone anonymously just donated to my race $1000!!!!  ARE YOU KIDDING!!!  NO... WAIT... ARE YOU KIDDING???!!!  I'm jumping up and down as I write this!!!!  It's anonymous... so whoever donated that $1000, if you are reading this, I just want to say the biggest THANK YOU I've ever said.  I cannot show my appreciation enough, and I hope that in some way I can repay you in the future.  I am so appreciative of this that I don't feel that I can express this in words.  Thank you...

But... the funding is not done.  I don't know one person who has not been affected by cancer.  My sister, Ruth, was actually diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in 2005.  I remember when she called me, I remember that feeling of ice and dread going down my back when she said the word c-a-n-c-e-r, and I remember us both crying and reassuring each other.  My sister is alive and well 6 years later, but many are not so lucky.  So, I run for them and for all who have been affected this horrible disease.  If you would like to donate, you can go to my website at .

Okay... I'm signing off.  I should apologize now if there are some weird sentences and spelling errors.  I want to have this blog be semi free-flowing with my thoughts as I continue this journey to run this race.  This Saturday I'm running 8 miles with the group.  The training has been really fun so far.  I'm kind of interested to see at what mile I won't think it's so fun... I'll let you know:-)  Talk to you soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Rachel. This is awesome, and congrats on the big $ pull!

    I can't wait to follow your adventures and your training. There are a ton of really cool training apps out there that will help you measure your progress - track running routes and mileage, diet and hydration.

    I'm going to have to live vicariously through you for this one.
